Wednesday, November 12, 2008

GumboWriters: Sample Query Letter that Worked #28

Dear Fanny:

I was only a child when it happened. I can still remember my mother covering my eyes in the cinema, so I wouldn't see the horrific pictures of our people, skin and bones in the death camps of the Holocaust.

My mother did that often, shielded me as much as she could, but no mother's love was strong enough to protect me from what was happening in the world, dear friends and relatives taken from their homes, disappearing in the night, never to be seen again.

But it was my mother's stories, as she lay in the bed whispering them to me; her gentle voice whisked us away, if but only for a moment, from the pain. Her stories, her dear and tender poetry stayed with me.

That love of poetry inspired me to write my own poems of thoughtfulness and hope for children, entitled A Mother's Moments. It is what moved me to go on to win prizes in 17 writing competitions. Words meant, in some way, to take children away from their little frights and introduce them to the enchanting world of verse.

It was my mother's stories and inspiration that motivated me to survive my family's horrors of the Holocaust. I went on to study English at Princeton and become attorney and head of Litigation in the Office of the Supreme Court.

I have also written for Snobbery, Kitty Magazine, Local Stateside Review, High Tea, Difficult Magazine, Comprehension Chronicle, Foresight and The High Fall Times.

If you would like to take a look at A Mother's Moments, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,
Buck Robertson