Sunday, November 9, 2008

RichWriter Book Promotion Article: How to identify and attract the right target market

The most important part of book sales is knowing who your audience is exactly, and it's going to affect even your writings, though.  The more specific your target is, then the easier it is going to be to sell.


Not every one wants to believe that their book is for everyone.  Everyone wants to believe that their book is nothing like anything out there in the market and that just isn't realistic.  What you really want to do is pick a target market, focus on them, really, really expand from there, and from that point on, you can go to the mainstream audience.  It makes it easier to sell not only to customers but later, if you want to sell your book to major publisher, they need to know exactly who the target market is.  They need to know who's going to be able to identify or relate to the story.


The best way to find out who your target market is really to look at who your main character is in your novel.  If they can relate to your main character, they're probably your target market.  Now, even if the character is an alien from the planet of Neptune, is he a male or a female, or is he a transgender?  What's his age in human terms?  What do he like to do for fun?  Where do they work in space station 2100?  I mean wonderful, whatever it is.  So that means that they're an Astro engineer or a mechanic or a computer specialist, I mean, you need to really know who that main character is because that is probably who your target market is.


Once you know who your target market is, you can find them online, you can find them in websites, in forums, in bookstores, in associations, in newsletters, in blogs, and so many other places.  So, you really need to answer the following questions.  So grab the pen.  You're going to be able to understand exactly who your target market is by answering these questions.


Number 1, what type of music do they listen to?  What type of films?  Which artist in particular?  What TV shows do they watch?  Where do they work?  How old are they?  What race are they?  What areas do they live in?  Do they live in the city?  Do they live in a rural area?  What do they like to do for fun?  Are they a homemaker?  Do they have kids?  If so, how many?  What education level are they at?  How much money do they make?  How do they travel?  Do they travel by subway, by plane, by car?  Do they walk?  Do they take the bike?  What are their relationships with their parents?  All these questions, although, they seem kind of odd at times really are going to help you identify exactly who that target market is, and once you've answered these questions, you're going to know where to go to look for them.  You're going to know where to focus on especially online.  What websites?  What e-signs attract these particular people?  The more you're able to identify who these people are, the easier it is going to be to be able to sell more books.  Now, make sure that you really focus on no more than three books.  And in my experience, I really target one particular group at a time, and then put all your energy into that.


Once you've really exhausted all resources in that particular group, then you can spread onto your other two groups and the course expand from there.  Really focus on that particular target market because remember that if you identify who your target market is especially a sub genre, that may be as undiscovered and sells a lot of books, it will be easier to attract to major publisher later on.  By following these techniques, you will be able to identify and attract more of your target market.