Sunday, November 9, 2008

RichWriters Inspiration: Writers You Are Amazing, Never Forget That!

Do you ever stop to think about how special you really are? How amazing you are? Do you ever stop to think about the fact that you are here for a reason and it is not by accident? Now, I do not mean that in any fool-fool cliché way but when you really start to think about him, you think about your grandparents. Had your grandparents not met, you would not be here. "Well, duh, of course."


                        Had your parents not met; you would not be here, "Duh, of course." But do you ever stop to think about if your parents had not met and their parents had not met, now we are talking four sets of parents here and their parents and their parents and their parents, it is your great, great, great, great, great grandfather, etc., and grandmother etc, from the beginning of time, if those events had not happened, you would not be here.


                        There is a reason why you are here. You are all those events that happened, all those right places, right time; all that was so that you would be here in this moment. So you would be here. You are here for a reason and you are here for a purpose and you need to stop and think about that.


Anytime you are feeling bad about yourself, you need to stop and think, "Wait a minute now, if these events haven't happened, if my grandparents didn't meet and their grandparents didn't meet and they didn't happen to be on that bus or that train or that whatever or run to that car or whatever, if those events hadn't happened in order for them to meet on both sides of my family, mom side and my dad side, then I wouldn't be here.


There's a reason why I'm here. I'm here for a reason and all those events, all those people meeting were so that I could be born. That means I'm here to solve a problem in the universe. I'm here to do something productive with my life, to maybe help others, to serve a grander and greater purpose."


                        So, anytime you are thinking bad about yourself, anytime you are wondering "Why am I here?" stop and think about that you are important. There is nothing more important in this world than you and what you are accomplishing. The person next to you has just as much purpose for being here as you do.


So, when you stop and you have a choice in life between doing something that feels right and what feels wrong, think about that because your grandparents meeting and their grandparents' meeting and their grandparents' meeting, etc, from the beginning of time did not happen so that you can make that wrong choice.


I am not talking about an honest and good as mistake. I am talking about a wrong choice and you know what I mean, a choice between right now choosing to do something good and choosing to do something bad.


                        Those events did not happen so you can make the wrong choice and those events did not happen so that you can make a bad choice. Those events happened so you can make the right choice.


You are put here on earth so that future generations, your children and their children and not even just your children and their children until the end of time but the people that you have met along the way and you have inspired and you have changed just with a smile, because of an encouraging word, just with a motivating article you showed them, those did happen for a reason so that you can help future generations.


You are here for a purpose and you should never forget that.